Harley Quinn Wiki
Harley Quinn Wiki

Mor-4-Lex Wholesale, or just Mor-4-Lex, is a supermarket in Gotham City owned by Lex Luthor.


It was first seen in "There's No Ivy in Team" when Bane went there to shop for explosives although his card was declined due to being flagged for identity theft and his bombs were given to Calendar Man who was next in line.

In "The Horse and the Sparrow", Poison Ivy went there to shop and clear her head after her plan to take over the city with her plant zombies failed and Lex Luthor himself appeared on the various screens in the store before her, offering her a position as leader of the Legion of Doom.

In "B.I.T.C.H." it was shown to carry "Waynihistamine" an allergy medicine produced by Wayne Pharma. However, with Poison Ivy getting the city to remove all male trees (which are the ones that cause allergies) the need for them ceased and a worker urged delivery truck to turn back as they would not need to sell more. This caused, Talia al Ghul who was in the store shopping for pacifiers for her 12-year-old son, to see red.

It was mentioned in "Metamorphosis" with Bethany noting there was a cashier there who never wished her a good day, implying with Joker's return to villainy that she wanted to blow the cashier up or do other villainous things to them.

