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"Harlivy" is the first episode of the third season of Harley Quinn, and the twenty-seventh episode of the series overall. It was released on July 28, 2022, on HBO Max.

This episode is preceded by a short recap by Harley Quinn of the events of the previous season.


After fleeing the wedding, Harley and Ivy go on an "Eat Bang Kill" tour that leads them to a secret project Ivy abandoned years ago.


Harley and Ivy have made themselves at home at the Fortress of Solitude, hiding from Commissioner Gordon and watching a porn parody of themselves, marveling over the fact it's only been two weeks since they got together. A hologram of Superman's dead father suddenly appears, scolding them for being there and watching a dirty movie. He calls up Superman, who appears in his place. At this point, Harley and Ivy head out, jumping aboard Wonder Woman's invisible jet and heading on their "Eat, Bang, Kill tour": including stealing and heisting, frauding Gordon out of money, having sex, and sunbathing.

Leaving Buckingham Palace on the jet, Harley reveals she has kidnapped Queen Elizabeth II as a two-week anniversary gift for Ivy. However, Ivy is less enthused, questioning whether someone will be looking for her. At that moment, the British Air Force closes in on them. They take a few quick photos with the queen before Harley kicks her out of the jet (although she insists she has an invisible parachute. Meanwhile, in Gotham City, Commissioner Gordon is running for mayor with Two-Face acting as his campaign manager. At the mayoral debate, he gets questioned by Cheryl on how he would solve Gotham's myriad of issues, including sinkholes, toxic puddles, and children driving buses. As Cheryl accuses him of misspending and the audience boos at him, Gordon tries to insist Gotham's real problem is criminals like Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy and vows to bring them to justice, although it is met by more booing.

You built this beautiful place; it's your baby. I thought you'd get excited; maybe we'd mess around a little bit. Come on, let's have sex in your baby!
Harley Quinn to Poison Ivy
Ivy blindfolded

Harley takes Ivy to Edin

Back at the jet, Harley has another surprise for Ivy for their 16th day anniversary, blindfolds her, and brings her to Edin, a place Ivy created years ago in her attempt to terraform the planet with pre-historic plants. However, Ivy is less than thrilled, viewing the place as a failure as she only managed to grow one acre, and the color scheme is dated. However, Harley convinces her to stay for a bit to look around, and Ivy quickly starts enjoying herself while Harley gets bored by the lack of people to fight and Wi-Fi. As Ivy gets more into the idea of being there, Harley feigns enthusiasm but is relieved when she is called by King Shark and Clayface, who need help breaking out of Gotham.

As they head towards Gotham, Ivy suspects Gordon is using them as bait, which turns out to be true as, at that moment, Gordon and Two-Face are watching their prisoners, pleased that King Shark found their planted phone and did exactly what they wanted. In their cell, Clayface worries that Harley won't get them out in time as he auditions for a role in the new Thomas Wayne autobiography in six hours. As King Shark helps Clayface record an audition tape just in case, the GCPD are watching the security feed at Arkham when they notice two figures on the roof. They rush to confront them. However, it turns out to be the two porn actors from the start dressed up as Harley and Ivy to buy them time.

Kylie Kryptonite and Britney Bionic

Kylie Kryptonite and Britney Bionic

While the police officers flock around the porn stars for photos and autographs, the real Harley and Ivy sneak into Arkham and are reunited with Clayface and King Shark. As the crew walks through the hallways, Ivy accidentally runs into a woman who insults her, causing Harley to stop and angrily tell her who bumped into her. However, when the woman continues to disrespect Ivy, Harley secretly kidnaps her. Afterward, they drop Clayface and King Shark off at Gotham Mall. Clayface questions whether Harley enjoys being at Edin, and Ivy tells her she doesn't need to come with her if she'd rather hang with the guys, but Harley insists she loves being there, and they leave, dropping off all their weapons with King Shark and Clayface.

Jim Gordon
How could you do this to me?
Do you know what my name is?
Jim Gordon
[Gasps] Harvey Dent!
Right, but my moniker?
Jim Gordon
Ohh! [Chuckles] I still don't get it.

At City Hall, The Mayor of Gotham lectures Gordon over his failure to capture Harley and Ivy, again, as well as half the GCPD getting suspended over the photos they have posted with the porn actors on social media. As the mayor threatens to take his batch, Gordon is confident that he will be the one to take the mayor's job after the election. However, at that moment, Two-Face arrives as the mayor reveals him as his new campaign manager. Gordon is shocked at his betrayal, not seeing the connection to his name. Gordon angrily throws his campaign pin out the window, resulting in a series of events showcasing all of Gotham's previously mentioned problems, causing a metal pole to fly through the window and impale the mayor, killing him. Two-Face then turns to Gordon, telling him he just became available again.

Back in Edin, Harley reveals she has kidnapped the woman from Arkham, intent on torturing her for disrespecting Ivy. Although Ivy is not happy, revealing the person she has kidnapped is none other than Amanda Waller, head of the Suicide Squad. Not fazed by this, Harley continues to threaten Waller to apologize. Still, Waller is unfazed, telling them about the Suicide Squad, at which point the villain Plastique shows off a promotional montage video of the squad before saying she is there to save Waller and kill Harley and Ivy. They start laughing, and Harley notes that she isn't even big enough to be included in the montage, but she soon reveals her myriad of explosives hidden inside her coat.

God, you look like a pile of shit but you feel like a pile of clouds.
James Gunn to Clayface
Sit on me

Clayface gets a new job

Back in Gotham, King Shark is helping Clayface to prepare for his audition... at the place of the audition as the crew are watching. He begins his audition, but James Gunn, the director, is unimpressed and thanks him for coming. Clayface begs for another chance, showing off his talents by shifting into multiple characters while Gunn looks away. As Clayface starts to leave, disappointed, Gunn starts complaining about his uncomfortable chair. Clayface then turns himself into a chair and asks James Gunn to sit on him, which he does. Pleased with the comfortable chair, he offers Clayface a job as the director's chair.

Meanwhile, Harley and Ivy are fighting Plastique, and Harley regrets dumping all her weapons, so Ivy hands her one of their stolen goods. After Plastique blows up one of Ivy's flowers, she uses her powers to tie Plastique down to the ground with her plants. Harley gets ready to bash her head in with the queen's teapot, but before she can, Plastique uses a button to explode herself, spilling her guts all over them. At the same time, Amanda Waller flies away in a helicopter while flipping them off.

Harley and Ivy take over the fucking world.
— Poison Ivy
Happy 19th day anniversary!

"Happy 19th day anniversary!"

With the dust settled, Ivy, dejected, looks around her at the previous beautiful garden, which Plastique's explosions have completely destroyed. Harley tries to comfort her, apologizing for causing all this by kidnapping Amanda Waller. Ivy assures her that it's fine, convinced the whole thing was doomed to fail and she would never be able to terraform the world and reclaim it from humans. Harley encourages her to do it with her help, telling her she is all in and wants to help her achieve her goal of terraforming the world with plants. Ivy eventually relents as Harley assures her she believes she can do it. They kiss, and Harley congratulates her on their 19th anniversary.

Cast and Characters[]

Main Cast[]

Guest Cast[]



  • This episode was released at the same time as the second and third episodes of the season, making this the first time more than one episode was released at once.
  • This is the first episode of Harley Quinn to be originally premiering on HBO Max instead of DC Universe.
  • This episode was released on Adult Swim on July 30, 2022.
  • The episode gets its name from the "ship name" for Harley and Ivy, which is commonly used online. Several characters also use it throughout the episode to refer to the pair.
    • Ivy notes that "Hivy" sounds better aloud, and Jor-El agrees "Harlivy" looks better in writing than speaking.
  • Harley’s recap at the start of the episode includes clips from "A High Bar", "There's No Place to Go But Down", A Fight Worth Fighting For", "Lovers' Quarrel" and "Something Borrowed, Something Green".
  • Superman references HBO Max, the service that hosts the show in real life.
  • The episode contradicts some of the events of the sixth issue of of the The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour comic. In the comic, a few days into Harley and Ivy’s vacation, Clayface and King Shark are seen in Gotham Mall, calling Barbara Gordon about Harley's whereabouts. In the cartoon, King Shark and Clayface have been in Arkham in the nineteen days since the wedding and have to be broken out by Harley and Ivy.
    • In the cartoon, King Shark and Clayface were apprehended at the wedding. The comic does address that several villains like Nightshade were arrested at the wedding, but King and Clayface are never stated to be among them.
  • Ivy's critique of the leaf-centric outfit her pornographic parody wears is a nod to the outfits Ivy is depicted wearing in most other Batman/DC media.
  • The shot of Harley and Ivy naked and covered in money is an homage to the movie Danger: Diabolik.
  • Adult film stars Kylie Kryptonite and Britney Bionic star in a movie called "The Drilling Joke," which is a reference to the classic comic "The Killing Joke."
  • The four mice seen in the events leading up to the mayor's death refer to Batman, his parents, and Alfred. The two parents being killed refer to the Waynes' death in Crime Alley.
  • Harley thanking Amanda Waller for the T-shirt is a call-back to "Being Harley Quinn" when she received a box of "Suicide Squad" T-shirts as a way to entice her to join them.
  • Ivy references the Carmen Sandiego franchise while fighting Plastique, noting that she enjoys her.
  • The scene of Queen Elizabeth II captured and then pushed out of the jet, ostensibly with an invisible parachute, received renewed attention in September 2022 (less than two months after its original airing) following the Queen's real-life passing. This is likely why the UK network "E4" postponed the episode's premiere on Sunday, 11th September, and replaced it with an episode of Rick & Morty from its third season. Furthermore, when this episode aired on E4 the following Sunday, the scene featuring the Queen was removed, yet the items stolen from the queen (namely a scepter and a British teapot) can still be seen later in the episode during and following the fight with Plastique, with this version of the episode now missing the scene which showcased how these items were acquired.
  • Harley and Ivy were naked in one scene during the episode when they wore no clothes, and this also happened previously on Bachelorette. Still, later on Harley Quinn: A Very Problematic Valentine's Day Special, Harley kept her choker and gloves on while naked.


