Harley Quinn Wiki
Harley Quinn Wiki

I don't even know what time it is.
— Clock King[src]

Clock King is a minor character on the animated series Harley Quinn. He is a super-villain obsessed with time who uses clock-related gadgetry to commit crimes.


The Clock King is a white man who wears a clock covering his entire face and has a royal crown. He wears a black suit, a white button-up shirt, and a red bow tie.


Season 2[]

"There's No Place to Go But Down"[]

Clock King was an inmate at The Pit to be rehabilitated. However, after Poison Ivy motivated all the prisoners to riot to escape The Pit, he seemingly returned to his old self.

Season 3[]

"The 83rd Annual Villy Awards"[]

The Riddler and Clock King

Riddler and Clock King outside the Villys

Clock King and Riddler were nominated as "Best Couple" at that year's Villy Awards. They arrived at the red carpet and were interviewed by Tawny Young. After some flirting, the pair went in for a kiss but struggled briefly due to Clock King's clock head. Tawny then asked Clock King to talk about what he was wearing which he did.

Later, at the awards, the pair were approached by Harley Quinn (who herself was nominated in the same category with her girlfriend Poison Ivy) who called him "Cock King" although he clarified that that was "the other guy". Harley began to revel in how great it would be when she won, at which point Clock King showed of a picture of him and Riddler with the head of the Gotham Forum Press, that were presenting the Awards, after having gifted him a dog as a way of lobbying for their win. After commenting on the importance of campaigning for the win ahead of these awards, Harley swiftly left them to try and sway the win in her favor.

During the ceremony, the pair watched uncomfortably from their table when Catwoman was awarded the "Joe Chill Honorary Award" and used her acceptance speech to criticize the Villys for overlooking black villains' accomplishments. Later, Clock King was devastated when it was revealed that Harley and Ivy had won the "Best Couple" award and began crying, exclaiming how they would never win all because of his clock head. Riddler began reassuring him that he was loved and accepted. The pair reaffirmed their love for each other and attempted to kiss, although Clock King's head again disrupted them.

"The Horse and the Sparrow"[]

Clock King attended the premiere of James Gunn's A Hard Wayne's Gonna Fall at the Monarch Theatre with Riddler.

"Harley Quinn: A Very Problematic Valentine's Day Special"[]

Riddler proposes to Clock King

The Riddler proposes to him and Clock King says yes. They then spend Valentine's Day at a painting and wine event in a coffee shop, even though the Riddler doesn't like it.

Season 4[]

"The Most Culturally Impactful Film Franchise of All Time"[]

He was briefly seen as one of the frozen people kept as trophies by the middle-aged Robin when Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy travelled 25 years in the future when the world had turned into a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

"Potato-Based Cloning Incident"[]

Ivy with Riddler and Clock King

It was revealed that Clock King and Riddler had gotten married as they spent their honeymoon on Tulum. As members on the LexCorp board, they were joined on the beach by Poison Ivy who convinced them to join her in voting off Lex as CEO of LexCorp to gain control and shut down his "Earth Saver" which was currently blocking out the sun by thickening the ozone layer. She argued that without the sun, they would not be able to get a tan, and no one would know where they'd been honeymooning. Convinced, they both later voted against Lex in the board room where Ivy had managed to sway enough people to vote him off, finally shutting down the Earth Saver.

Kite Man: Hell Yeah![]

To be added

Season 5[]

"The Big Apricot"[]

To be added

"Floronic Man"[]

His picture was seen briefly as Harley was scrolling through the contacts in her phone.

Media Appearances[]

Season 2

Season 3


Season 4

Kite Man: Hell Yeah!

Season 5


  • According to Tawny, Clock King and Riddler were some of Gotham's first openly gay supervillains.
  • His costume is based off the Silver Age Clock King from the comics so he is likely the William Tockman version of the character, not Temple Fugate who originated from Batman: TAS. Temple only wears clock glasses and carries a clock hand cane and does not wear a clock mask on his face.