Harley Quinn Wiki
Harley Quinn Wiki

Bud and Lou are two pet spotted hyenas belonging to Harley Quinn.


Season 1[]

One of them could be seen inside Harley's mind in the episode "Being Harley Quinn" although it is unknown which one of them it was.

Season 2[]

In "New Gotham", they make their first full appearance when they pull on Harley Quinn's sleigh in the opening scene. Once she arrives at their hideout, she tosses them a steak, which they start fighting over until she pulls out a second one so they get one each. They were seen again in "Catwoman" being fed bone-shaped biscuits by Doctor Psycho.

The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour[]

After deciding to go on a road trip to escape Commissioner Gordon with Poison Ivy in "Journey to Love", Harley went to fetch Bud and Lou and pack bags for each of them before returning to the car and all driving off together. As seen in "Journey to Love Part 2", Harley then brings them to Catwoman in hopes of having her watch them while she and Ivy go away on their trip.

Season 4[]

In "Getting Ice Dick, Don't Wait Up", Harley, feeling rejected and lonely, collected Bud and Lou from the Zoo. She took them to the Batcave, where they ended up chewing on Nightwing's book of clues. Later, she brought them to the mountains where she and Alysia Yeoh were looking for Batgirl, who had disappeared. Harley accidentally crashed the car they were driving, forcing them to walk in the cold when they came across a group of Ice villains. Believing they had kidnapped Batgirl, Harley attacked them with Bud and Lou helping her. Later, after Batgirl showed up, revealing she had never been kidnapped, Bud and Lou rested on Harley, helping keep her warm as they sat outside by the fire.

In "Killer's Block", Bud and Lou are seen at the zoo as they aggressively jump towards the bars after Harley leaves Joker tied up and covered in meat just outside, having contemplated using the hyenas to kill him. Although she decides against it, she leaves Joker in the same place, tied up outside Bud and Lou's cage.

Media Appearances[]

Season 1

Season 2

The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour

The Real Sidekicks of New Gotham

Legion of Bats!

Season 4

