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"A High Bar" is the second episode of the first season of Harley Quinn. Overall, it is the second episode of the series. It was released on December 6, 2019, on DC Universe.


Determined to become one of the vaunted Legion of Doom, Harley attempts to make a big splash by crashing one of their criminal enterprises with the help of her BFF, Poison Ivy.


The Joker finds Scarecrow and Bane gossiping about Harley Quinn dumping him. Angered, the clown later toys with and kills Howie Mandel on live television, knowing Harley would see it. He uses Howie's show to publicly respect Harley's supposed wish to "drift into the darkness of total anonymity". Provoked, Harley logs into Joker's calendar against the advice of Poison Ivy and learns about a Legion of Doom party at the Gotham Mint. She decides to crash it to one-up him. She and Frank the Plant badger Ivy to go too, despite Ivy's displeasure.

Harley arrives at the Legion's table

Harley arrives at the Legion's table

Unfortunately, Harley arrives to discover that the party is merely the bar mitzvah of The Penguin's nephew, Joshua. Nonetheless, she insists on staying and impressing the Legion of Doom anyway, leaving Ivy to the advances of Kite Man. Harley attempts to ingratiate herself with Two-Face, Scarecrow, and Bane, but the Joker steals her thunder. Deciding she needs to make a splash, Harley prepares to rob the party's venue, the Gotham Mint.

Ivy finds that Kite Man gave some of the kids her pheromones, which will make them smitten with her before dying. Meanwhile, Harley fights her way through the bowels of Mint, breaking a guard's leg and putting a sticker on his mouth in the process, only to discover that the guards were actors and the stacks of cash were props for Joshua to do a play-robbery. she stands the guard with a broken leg up. Still, he falls back down; angered that the party is ruined, Penguin — backed up by the other villains — captures Harley.

Ivy returns to her house for the pheromones' antidote with Kite Man, who thought they'd be having sex. En route back to the bar mitzvah, Kite Man apologizes for his mistake; Ivy reluctantly finds him "not so bad." At the party, Joshua is given the chance to shoot Harley, but the ex-psychiatrist erodes his confidence until he breaks down, at which point Ivy crashes in to save Harley from his uncle's wrath. The Joker demands that Harley admit to being nothing with him. She refuses, so he sics the Legion of Doom on her.

Two-Face Bane and Scarecrow

Joker's allies ready for a fight

Kite Man is confronted and swiftly overwhelmed by Bane. Harley manages to dispatch Scarecrow with Ivy's assistance, only for the Legion to surround the girls. However, Joker insults Bane in the process, allowing Harley to convince the other villains not to let the Joker "bully" them into compliance. Without allies, the Joker tries to shoot Harley himself, but is confronted by Ivy and her carnivorous plants. He is only saved by a phone call from his contractor, taking that as an excuse to leave.

Back home, Harley expresses her desire to join the Legion of Doom, although Ivy disapproves. Frank interrupts them about the poisoned boys who are about to die, so Ivy administers the antidote and sends them on their way.

Cast and Characters[]

Main Cast[]

Guest Cast[]



  • A bartender and a man at the bar mitzvah are both uncredited despite lines of dialogue.
  • When Harley first crashes the party, a banner says "HAPPY BAR MITZVAH JOSHUA", but later when Harley calls out the Joker's behavior to the Legion of Doom, the same banner misspells the name "JOSUHA."
  • Bane's comment about blowing up Gotham Stadium is a reference to the film The Dark Knight Rises, where that film's version of Bane destroys a football stadium's field during a game.
  • At one point, the Penguin wrongfully refers to Joshua's bar-mitzvah as a "bat-mitzvah," the equivalent ceremony for Jewish girls.
  • Diedrich Bader is credited for the voice of "trainer" despite no such character appearing in the episode.



See Also[]
